//Send an email post number of records processed successfully
global class BatchClassName implements Database.Batchable<SObject>,Database.Stateful {
//get data in start method from querylocator
global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc){
//Query logic here
String queryStr = 'Select Query Here';
return Database.getQueryLocator(queryStr);
//perform action in execute method on the data extracted from start method
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Case> scope) {
System.debug('scope @@@ '+scope);
//execute logic here
// at last finish method execute to send email about execution
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage m_sem = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
AsyncApexJob a = [Select a.TotalJobItems,a.Status,a.NumberOfErrors,a.JobType,a.JobItemsProcessed,a.ExtendedStatus From AsyncApexJob a WHERE id = :BC.getJobId()];
System.debug('$$$ Jobid is '+BC.getJobId());
List<String> emails = new List<String>{'to_emailaddress@gmail.com'};
m_sem.setSubject('Processed Batch Job Status '+a.Status);
m_sem.setPlainTextBody('The batch job has been processed: '+a.Status+' Total Job Items: '+ a.TotalJobItems+', Failures: '+a.NumberOfErrors+', Job Item processed: '+a.JobItemsProcessed+'.');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage [] {m_sem});